24PearlStreet Workshops and Events

This workshop is for students who are looking for critical feedback on a short story or novel-in-progress (novel excerpt should stand alone). Students will critique each other’s work using a template focused on the essential elements of fiction—plot, structure, character and language. We’ll discuss each of these elements with an eye toward several goals: to help you focus on areas of strength and points of potential revision in your workshop submission; to discuss the elements of craft that allow us to read as writers, and offer feedback to others in that light, and ideally, to help you strengthen your ability to revise your own work and to edit other people’s work. Please be prepared to submit 20 pages maximum (double-spaced, 12pt font) before the start of class. Each student will be given a workshop slot, and be expected to critique several pieces per week. In addition to the collective critique on our stories, the class will offer weekly lessons/readings with discussion threads allowing you to share additional writing to stimulate new directions in your work. Each student will receive individual detailed instructor feedback on their workshop submissions with suggestions for revision via email.
Lisa Duffy is the author of The Salt House, her debut novel forthcoming from Simon & Schuster/Touchstone Books in June 2017. She received her MFA in creative writing from the University of Massachusetts Boston. Her short fiction was nominated for a Pushcart Prize and her work can be found or is forthcoming in Writer’s Digest, The Drum Literary Magazine, So to Speak, Breakwater Review, Let the Bucket Down, and elsewhere. Lisa is the founding editor of ROAR, a literary magazine supporting women in the arts. She lives in the Boston area with her husband and three children.