24PearlStreet Online Writing Program

About the Program

Our 24PearlStreet online writing program provides students with the opportunity to work on their craft wherever they are, year-round. Our virtual model combines convenience with the opportunity to work with prize-winning, esteemed faculty. Browse through our past workshops to see our recent faculty members. Come create your best work alongside an inspiring community of artists. Our winter season of workshops is now closed; please check back again in April for our upcoming season of workshops for Summer 2023! 

Discover an in-person writing workshop with our 2023 Summer Workshop Program

What Students Are Saying 

“I was one of the six lucky workshop participants in John Murillo’s [24PearlStreet] workshop last week. Truly one of the best teachers I’ve had. Would follow him anywhere. You’ve done a great job running the workshops overall.”

-Emily Pease, Novelist and 24PearlStreet Student

“This was without question the most productive workshop I’ve ever taken. The feedback from both the instructor [Reif Larsen] and fellow participants gave me a new perspective on my work in progress, and the motivation to keep writing.”

-Susan Blood, 24PearlStreet student

Open Call for Instructors

The 24PearlStreet online writing program is gathering applications from those interested in teaching online poetry, memoir, non-fiction, fiction, and multi-genre workshops.

Our esteemed faculty works in 8, 4, and 1 week synchronous or asynchronous workshops. We are gathering applications from those interested in teaching online poetry, memoir, non-fiction, fiction, and multi-genre workshops in our 24PearlStreet program.

The purpose of this limited, open call for instructors is to create a pool of applicants for general review. Our hope is to get to know potential instructors who might be off our radar. Applying does not guarantee placement as an instructor. 

Applications are accepted in March of each year. To apply, click this link. If you have questions, please contact Senior Program Manager Jennifer Jean at jjean@fawc.org.

24 Pearl Street
Provincetown, MA 02657

© 2023 Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown