Major gifts to underwrite the Fellowship residencies and associated initiatives are essential to our ability to offer this flagship Program. By design, the Fellowships generate no revenue. The purpose is to provide, without charge, time and space to emerging artists and writers so they can do new work.

To run the Program each year, it costs the Work Center nearly $45,000 per Fellow, for a total of approximately $900,000.  Support for the Funds identified below gives recognition to major donors and their families and friends whose contributions to our endowment over the years help provide support in perpetuity, based on investment income, for the cost the Fellowship Program.  We thank all donors, both past and present, for their generosity in providing this support.

Generous contributions during the Work Center’s first half century have made possible the following Endowed Fellowships:

Elise Asher Visual Arts Fellowship
Iva Kaplan Ashner Creative Writing Fellowship
Milton and Sally Avery Visual Arts Fellowship
Louise Bourgeois Visual Arts Fellowship
Bydale Poetry Fellowship
Alan Dugan/Judith Shahn Fellowship in Creative Writing/Visual Arts
Richard Florsheim Visual Arts Fellowship
Robert C. Graham Visual Arts Fellowship
Stanley Kunitz Fellowship in Poetry
Christine Fairchild Magriel Visual Arts Fellowship
Richard McCann Prose Writing Fellowship
Robert Motherwell Visual Arts Fellowship
Margaret Murphy Fellowship in Creative Writing/Visual Arts
Hunter O’Hanian Fellowship
Grace Paley Creative Writing Fellowship
George Rickey Visual Arts Fellowship
Alix Ritchie and Marty Davis Fellowship in Creative Writing/Visual Arts
David Shainberg Visual Arts Fellowship
Myron Stout Visual Arts Fellowship
Kenneth Stubbs Visual Arts Fellowship
Hudson D. and Ione Walker Fellowship in Creative Writing and Visual Arts
Bill Webb Fellowship for Fiction

A donation of $45,000 a year provides a Named Annual Fellowship for an artist or writer in the year it is made.  This level of support may be renewed annually.

Gifts of $100,000 or more given in support of the Fellowship Program

Gifts of $200,000 or more will endow each of the following integral components of the Fellowship Program:

Artists’ and Writers’ Juries
Visiting Artists and Writers
Artists and Writers in Residence

24 Pearl Street
Provincetown, MA 02657

© 2023 Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown