Open Call for Instructors

The Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown is gathering applications from those interested in teaching online or in-person printmaking, painting, drawing, photography, graphic novel, screenwriting, playwriting, hybrid, memoir, non-fiction, fiction, and poetry workshops in our Summer Program, in our 24PearlStreet Program, and in our other developing initiatives.

The purpose of this limited, open call for instructors is to create a pool of applicants for general review. Our hope is to get to know potential instructors who might be off our radar. Applying does not guarantee placement as an instructor. Successful candidates have 1) excellent and relevant teaching credentials (for 24PearlStreet this includes experience with teaching via an online learning platform); 2) a strong online presence and/or a proven willingness to promote; as well as 3) a strong connection to a community, or to communities that would follow them to a FAWC Summer Program workshop or to a 24PearlStreet online writing workshop–and/or national name-recognition/reach in their field.

Qualifying applicants should submit:

  • Brief cover letter about why you’re a great fit for FAWC. Specify which kinds of workshops you’re interested in teaching. Though we hope you peruse our past course selections to understand the scope of our offerings, we’re especially interested in hearing what you might offer that’s new to FAWC.
  • CV listing relevant teaching experience and a selected exhibit/publication record.
  • 2 professional references.
  • 1-3 titled workshop descriptions (75 words for Summer Program and 250 words for 24PearlStreet).

When to Apply

Applications are accepted in March of each year.

How to Apply

Please use the online application form to submit a cover letter and resume with a summary of demonstrable accomplishments. Please send questions to: 

The Fine Arts Work Center is an equal opportunity employer.

24 Pearl Street
Provincetown, MA 02657

© 2023 Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown