Summer Workshop Program 2024
Our new Tiered Tuition System asks you to choose one of the following tuition levels:
$900 - Sustaining Level
$800 - Standard Level
$700 - Subsidized Level
$500 - Student/Teacher Level
Please reflect on your social and economic position before choosing a tuition level at checkout.
For more information on our new Tiered Tuition System, please click here.

Not sure which genre to choose? Maybe a combination is more in line with your current aesthetic—why not try! In this generative workshop, we will literally mix things up to create a new unified experience. You can expect to write new material, rip up old stuff, and research captivating fields. By the end of the week, you’ll have a number of new projects. Past participants have surprised themselves and one another.
Please bring a digital device as well as a notebook.
Kimiko Hahn casts a wide net for subject matter. In her latest collection Foreign Bodies, she revisits the personal as political while exploring the immigrant body, the endangered animal's body, objects removed from children's bodies, hoarded things, and charms. The Ghost Forest: new and selected poems is forthcoming. She is currently co-editing an anthology of zuihitsu. Hahn is the 2023 recipient of the Ruth Lilly Prize for Lifetime Achievement from The Poetry Foundation. She teaches in the MFA Program for Creative Writing and Literary Translation at Queens College, City University of New York.