24PearlStreet Workshops and Events

Sandra Beasley Essaying in Unconventional Forms Non-Fiction October 21 to November 15, 2019 Number of Participants: 15 Price: $500 Format: 4 Week Asynchronous Workshop

Do you have a story to tell, but struggle in knowing where to begin? Are there gaps in memory, or lulls in action, that make a traditional narrative arc unwieldy? Are you ready to try something new in your nonfiction writing?

This class is about setting aside the demands of chronology by embracing lyric structures. We’ll explore four different shapes, one each week—segmented essays, braided essays, hermit crabs (essays using found forms), and flash nonfiction / micro-memoir—by distilling basic craft principles, reading compelling examples from contemporary writers, and using prompts to get you started. Participants submit work for three out of the four weeks, taking a “pass” one week (a week of your choice) to focus instead on dialogue over assigned readings and classmates’ drafts.


Sandra Beasley is the author of Don’t Kill the Birthday Girl: Tales from an Allergic Life, a disability memoir. Her nonfiction has appeared in The New York Times, Washington Post, Virginia Quarterly Review, Creative Nonfiction, LitHub, and A Harp in the Stars: An Anthology of Lyric Essays. She is the author of four poetry collections, most recently Made to Explode, which won the Housatonic Book Award, and she edited Vinegar and Char: Verse from the Southern Foodways Alliance. Honors include the Munster Literature Centre’s John Montague Fellowship, an NEA fellowship, and six DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities fellowships.





24 Pearl Street
Provincetown, MA 02657

© 2024 Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown