24PearlStreet Workshops and Events

Sometimes we know precisely how we want a piece of writing to unfold; sometimes we’re fumbling in the dark. Either way, getting to the finish line is rarely a linear journey, and process is usually much more interesting than product. In this workshop, we’ll get comfortable confronting unknowns, questioning our creative desires, and pushing ourselves to engage more rigorously with what’s on — and off — the page. Only when we are habituated to rewriting as an organic, fundamental part of writing itself can we free our narratives, safe and increasingly confident in our visions and our re-visions, understanding both as, ultimately, acts of love.
Optional Live Elements: one-on-one zoom conferences, a final zoom reading.
Elisa Albert is the author of the novels Human Blues, After Birth, The Book of Dahlia, and the short story collection How This Night is Different. Her fiction and essays have been published in Tin House, Bennington Review, The New York Times, Michigan Quarterly Review, The Literary Review, Philip Roth Studies, Paris Review, Los Angeles Review of Books, Longreads, The Cut, Time Magazine, Post Road, Gulf Coast, Commentary, Salon, Tablet, Washington Square, The Rumpus, The Believer and in many anthologies. She has taught creative writing at Columbia University’s School of the Arts, The College of Saint Rose, Bennington College, Texas State University, and University of Maine. A Pushcart Prize nominee, finalist for the Sami Rohr Prize and Paterson Fiction Prize, winner of the Moment Magazine debut fiction prize, and Literary Death Match champion, Albert has served as Writer-in-Residence at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in Holland and at the Hanse-Wissenschaftkolleg in Germany.