Rehab El Sadek Sculpts a Story of Political Dislocation

April 3, 2024
Discarded books and gauze hold a place for whispered words
Rehab El Sadek in her studio at the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown. Photo: Abraham Storer

Provincetown, MA

The vibe in her narrow studio is equal parts industrious and homey. She has divided the space with a sheer curtain; behind it is a desk where her partner, an arts administrator and writer, can also work. The couple have adopted a cat, and El Sadek says they’re getting married this month at Race Point Beach.

She’s also found a sense of family in the other fellows, often cooking for them. “They are like my children,” says El Sadek of the other artists and writers, many of whom are a generation younger than her. “As somebody who became an immigrant at an older age, I don’t have community here, so I go to residencies to know people and know other artists,” she says.

Read the full article in The Provincetown Independent here.

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