2025 Summer Workshop Program
Our Tiered Tuition System asks you to choose one of the following tuition levels:
$900 - Sustaining Level
$800 - Standard Level
$700 - Subsidized Level
$500 - Student/Teacher Level
Please reflect on your social and economic position before choosing a tuition level at checkout.
For more information on our Tiered Tuition System, please click here.

This workshop is about returning to a piece of fiction you have struggled with and set aside–returning to it and bringing it back to life. We will look for ways to complete this work, including inner blocks, needed research, and methods for reconsidering an older work and how we might renovate it entirely. We will try beginning from another POV, another main character, multiple points of view, retrospective vs. immediate, close third person vs. omniscient. Formal considerations also: should it be a novel, a collection of interconnected short stories, a novella, a short story? As queer writers we also face our own reasons for why we might give up on a piece of writing other than craft issues, and so we will discuss tactics for making space for the work in new ways, asking ourselves if we have an inner censor, do we believe we are protecting ourselves when we stop writing, and do we believe our work has no audience–these topics and more.
Please submit a piece of writing or an excerpt of between 2,000 and 4,000 words that you are hoping to resurrect or have begun to resurrect, that you have either given up on or that you have recently returned to. We will use a variety of approaches in courting the work’s revival, including writing prompts and revision prompts. Work should be submitted before we arrive so we can begin workshopping immediately. Please send to ssiegel@fawc.org by May 22.
Alexander Chee is the author most recently of the essay collection How to Write an Autobiographical Novel.