Summer Workshop Program 2024

Attention participants!
Our new Tiered Tuition System asks you to choose one of the following tuition levels:

$900 - Sustaining Level
$800 - Standard Level
$700 - Subsidized Level
$500 - Student/Teacher Level

Please reflect on your social and economic position before choosing a tuition level at checkout.
For more information on our new Tiered Tuition System, please click here.
Dante Micheaux The Lyric Self June 30 to July 5, 2024 Time 9 am - 12 pm Discipline: Poetry Advanced On-site Housing NOT Available - Off-site Housing Options
Register for this Workshop

The lyric poem is a text of emotion, a text of thought, expressed directly from the poet to the reader. Participants will read various examples of lyric poetry to observe differences in the mode and discuss methods of finding and channeling their lyric selves into a text. Through these steps, participants will produce a poem of their own and have a clearer understanding of lyric poetry in general. This workshop will engage in the deep reading of poems by Walt Whitman, Jay Wright, Jorie Graham, Carl Phillips, and Vievee Francis.


Please submit three text-based poems to by June 14.


Please bring a notebook and writing implement. No electronic devices, unless they are needed for accessibility. 


Dante Micheaux is the author of Circus (Indolent Books, 2018), which won the Four Quartets Prize from the Poetry Society of America and the T. S. Eliot Foundation, and Amorous Shepherd (Sheep Meadow Press, 2010). His poems and translations have appeared in African American Review, The American Poetry Review, Callaloo, Literary Imagination, Poem-A-Day, Poetry, Poetry London, PN Review, and Tongue, among other journals and anthologies. Micheaux’s other honors include the Ambit Magazine Poetry Prize, and fellowships from The New York Times Foundation and Cave Canem, where he is Director of Programs.

24 Pearl Street
Provincetown, MA 02657

© 2023 Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown